Enjoy your breakfast in bed, complete with cold coffee and scrambled eggs avec frites de chocolat. Once you are done with your macaroni jewelry and sticky Mothers Day cards, relax with a light-hearted look and motherhood and know you are not alone.

The Blackberry Diaries: adventures in modern motherhood by Kathy Buckworth - " The BlackBerry, says Kathy Buckworth in her witty new book, is truly the "whining toddler of technology," constantly buzzing, poking, and distracting its owner from whatever it is she’s trying to accomplish. In this way, it bears an uncanny resemblance to the uncooperative two-year-old hanging off a mother’s leg at the Motor Vehicle office. And is that BlackBerry holster really any different from a Baby Bjorn? No, according to the author. When either squeaks, Mom jumps. Still not convinced? Consider Buckworth’s irrefutable facts: Both “start up” upon entering the washroom. Both go off in the middle of the night, even when they’re supposedly turned off. Both require time alone plugged into a one-way communication device to be recharged: for the BlackBerry, it’s the USB cord; for the kid, the television set or GameCube. This comic guide to the travails of new motherhood shows the acclaimed humorist at her best." ~publisher
Mother On Fire: a true mother%#$@ story about parenting by Sandra Tsing-Loh - "Sandra Tsing Loh is the fiercest, funniest, and most incredibly honest voice to emerge from the "mommy war" debates. Here she fires away with her trademark satire of societal and personal irks, prompted by her own midlife crisis, when she realizes she can’t afford private school for her daughter–and her only alternative is her neighborhood’s beyond-repair public school. Mother on Fire documents Loh’s "year of living dangerously" among pompous school admissions officials, Prius-driving parents, vindictive bosses, and old friends with new money as she first kisses ass–and then kicks it." ~publisher
Naptime Is the New Happy Hour: and other ways toddlers turn your life upside down by Stefanie Taylor Wilder - "Just as Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay helped debunk decades of parenting myths to offer honest advice for the first year, Naptime Is the New Happy Hour is a voice of reason for every woman facing questions such as: Will refined sugar make my toddler's head explode? Is it wrong to have a cocktail at two in the afternoon? And what exactly is a Backyardigan? With biting wit and boatloads of common sense, Stefanie Wilder-Taylor addresses all these concerns and more. Whether it's planning easy outings that are fun for both of you (fact: your child will find the local Target just as scintillating as the Guggenheim), dishing the dirt on preschool TV (those mothers who swear their kids don't watch television? Liars or psychos, every one), or perfecting the art of the play date, readers will find advice, anecdotes, and a reassuring sense of camaraderie to help them survive -- and even thrive -- during each hilarious, frustrating, and amazing moment." ~publisher
Toddler's Gone Wild: rants from a mommy brain by Rebecca Eckler - "In Toddlers Gone Wild!, Rebecca Eckler, bestselling author of Knocked Up and Wiped!, tackles the madness that comes with raising a boddler (half-toddler, half-baby). As any parent of a boddler knows, these are strange days indeed. Gone is the time when your child would listen when you said, “no,” and wear whatever adorable little outfit you chose. Nope. These days, the little darlings are likely to meet attempts at discipline with a steely, “I hate you,” and wardrobe choice can lead to a complete mental breakdown (on bot
h sides). In short, sweet, and uproariously funny bursts, Eckler turns the spotlight on some hitherto neglected parenthood topics." ~publisher
and of course, Erma Bombeck's Family: the ties that bind -- and gag -"A cherished family reunion sets the stage of Erma Bombeck's predictably hilarious recollections of raising a family. Her conclusion: you can't live with them, you can't live without them...or can you...?" ~publisher
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