There is merit to reading the works of influential figures. They became key through their society-shaping treatises, which in turn become timeless. However, the original language may be too far removed from the modern reader to convey the more complex ideas. It is often useful to have an annotated copy.

There is also merit in reading a broad overview. One can pick and choose elements of a field or pour through an entire textbook. Take the ironically named Complete Idiot’s Guide to Psychology by Joni E. Johnston, Psy.D., or The Everything Psychology Book by Kendra Cherry.
Both books are well-organized and structured for speed reading, full of facts and factoids. Yet these two are very different in their scope. The Idiot’s guide offers chapters based on commonly-known topics; the nature versus nurture debate, consciousness, behavior and profiling, abnormal psychology, control issues and disorders, intimacy, society, and medication, just to name a few.
The Everything Guide, which is written at much the same level as the Idiot’s, is presented with more academic flair. Topics include the types of psychology (cognitive, biological, etc), methodology, neurologic and genetic issues, altered mental states (sleep, drugs, hypnosis, etc), logic, learning and memory, language acquisition, and interpersonal behavior.

Got psych on the brain now? Considering a career? There are, apparently, tons of jobs available for psychology majors. Learn about schools, employment structures, career paths and future opportunities with either of these guides:
What Psychology Majors Could (and Should) Be Doing: an informal guide to research experience and professional skills by Paul Silvia, Peter Delaney, Stuart Marcovitch
Opportunities in Psychology Careers by Donald and Charles Super
Don't think I'm going to try Lilienfeld's speed debunking. Think they've actually disproved anything? Not only is phrenology real, but so is ESP ;-)