The Day the Falls Stood Still by Cathy Marie Buchanan - "Steeped in the intriguing history of Niagara Falls during the First World War, this is a transformative love story and an absorbing chronicle. Loosely based on historical events surrounding the life of Niagara's most famous riverman, William "Red" Hill, this is an epic love story as rich, lush and majestic as the themselves."- catalogue

Come Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant - This is a debut novel of astonishing wisdom and subtle humour from an award - winning young writer. It is a delightfully off-beat story that features an opinionated Winnifred, and an IQ-challenged narrator who find themselves in the middle of a life-changing mystery. - catalogue

Fear of Fighting by Stacey May Fowles - Fighting searches for meaning in the mundane. Set in the urban landscape of downtown Toronto, the story revolves around Marnie, a broken hearted young woman to find something more."--Back cover.
Best Laid Plans by Terry Fallis - "Here’s the set up: A burnt-out politcal aide quits just before an election — but is forced to run a hopeless campaign on the way out. He makes a deal with a crusty old Scot, Angus McLintock — an engineering professor who will do anything, anything, to avoid teaching English to engineers — to let his name stand in the election. No need to campaign, certain to lose, and so on. Then a great scandal blows away his opponent, and to their horror, Angus is elected. He decides to see what good an honest M.P. who doesn’t care about being re-elected can do in Parliament. The results are hilarious — and with chess, a hovercraft, and the love of a good woman thrown in, this very funny book has something for everyone." - publisher
The Last Shot by Leon Rooke- "With stories both magical and unexpected, Leon Rooke astounds with his approach to the art of storytelling. From the novella about the surreal adventures of Prissy Thibidault in the deep south watching alligator wrestling while white racists turn into blacks; to stories that include the strange wanderings of a boy called Dark in search of his mother; the escape of a couple of gay friends from their respective relationships for the bright lights of Paris; the negotiations with J.D. Salinger for a bag of his garbage; the torment that six-year-old twins inflict on their blind grandfather while their absent mother gives a boyfriend one last shot at romance; the unemployed man who helps to exterminate mosquitoes pleads his case before a judge about the capriciousness of his life; the painter who ruminates on magic dogs, reluctant models, and living with his ornery old father; the novice writer who hilariously tries to follow a how-to-manual; the survivor of a shut-in family who manages to burrow out of his suffocating lot; to a most unusual bank robbery that saves a woman's life; here are fictional inventions that dazzle and engage." - publisher
You and the Pirates by Jocelyne Allen (to be ordered) - "An army of cats joins a crew of boatless pirates to save you from explosions and knife attacks and to stop Up from becoming Down. But before the cats, before the pirates, you are standing outside the metro in rush-hour Tokyo when the building across the street from you explodes. Seconds later, you're yanked off your feet by a salaryman who plans to use you to change the directions themselves. And you're not sure if you're hallucinating, but sometimes your feet are on the ceiling rather than the floor where they should be. Ancient texts, midnight visits from a girl with pink hair and red claws and all your worldly possessions shooting out into the street in a giant fireball eventually drive you to a temple on the Japanese coast where you hope Kannon, the goddess of mercy, can tell you which way is Up." - publisher.
What a wonderful post. Nice to see what all the contenders are about in one place. I am humbled by the stellar company The Day the Falls Stood Still is keeping.