I’ve read a couple of books since finishing Graceling and I still really miss Katsa! A sequel (tentatively titled “Bitterblue”) is currently in the writing stages, but is probably a couple of years away from publication.
Cashore’s prequel, Fire, is set to be released this fall, and while I’ve already placed my hold, it will not quench my desire for more Katsa. So, I must look to other books with equally strong and engaging female characters.
While reading Graceling, I kept thinking about Ayla from the Clan of the Cave Bear series. I read it years ago, but the two women are similar in that they’re both so capable and strong. Both are independent and thoughtful and are able to forge their own ways against incredible odds.They have a persistent survival instinct that results in incredible feats of endurance and bravery. They make for fantastic action adventure heroines.

Katsa also bears a strong similarity to Katniss, the lead from another hugely popular YA novel, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I’ve also read a few reviews that have likened the character of Katsa and the Graceling book in general to the Circle series (plural) by Tamora Pierce, or the Study series by Maria V. Snyder. Anybody read any of these titles? Dis/Agree?
Claire Randall, from Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series. She is an ordinary modern woman, sent back in time and very strong and admirable.