A new book came across my desk the other day that couldn't help but catch my eye: emblazoned across a red banner over the cover was the fact it was a debut thriller novel and the declaration: "If you love
DeMille and
Lescroart, you'll love Verdon."
Checking the title in the library catalogue, it seemed obvious that word is getting around, there are already 70 holds on the book (don't worry we have 13 copies!) in our collection—pretty significant numbers for a first novel.
The book?
Think of a Number: a novel by
John Verdon.
Here's a synopsis from the

Arriving in the mail one day is a taunting letter that ends with a simple declaration "See how well I know your secrets-just think of a number." Eerily, those who comply find that the letter writer has predicted their random choice exactly. For Dave Gurney, just retired as the NYPD's top homicide investigator and forging a new life with his wife, Madeleine, in upstate New York, the letters are oddities that begin as a diverting puzzle but quickly ignite a massive serial-murder investigation.
Brought in as an investigative "consultant," Gurney soon accomplishes deductive breakthroughs that have local police in awe. Yet, with each taunting move by his seemingly clairvoyant opponent, Gurney feels his tragedy-marred past rising up to haunt him, his marriage approaching a dangerous precipice, and, finally, a dark, cold fear building that he's met an adversary who can't be stopped."

John Verdon recently retired as an ad executive and may be looking at a new full time career. The Washington Post called his debut novel "inventive and entertaining." Booklist gave it a starred review saying "Verdon’s superb debut novel is a riveting thriller with a wonderfully baffling crime. Think of a Number is a 10, and crime fans of almost every persuasion will love it. An outstanding debut."
Check it out from the library collection, or if you've already read it—tell us what you thought in the comments below.
Just finished it myself. I was amazed that this is his first novel, it certainly is very polished intellegent writing.