As mentioned in a previous post, I've been getting some assistance from a library school student here on the blog this month. In addition to her library work, Lara is also a blogger and an avid reader of book blogs. I asked her for some advice on book related websites that she enjoys and
she sent me the following....

Trying to keep up with promising new writers as well as upcoming releases from favourite authors can be difficult. Sometimes I don't have much time to keep checking the library catalog to see what's new!Plus, sometimes I'm interested in a broader view of what's going on in the world of books - big name book awards being deliberated and then handed out, author tours, local programming and the like. So I like to keep an eye on an assortment of blogs about books. These are frequently updated sources of great information about reading, writing and authorship. I subscribe to their feeds in my RSS reader but you can just as easily scan through a series of entries on any of the sites and get a sense of what's happening right now in the world of books.
Obviously checking The Reader right here is a great idea for finding out about Halifax Public Library holdings, author readings, and events happening in the Halifax Regional Municipality.

For brief snippets on current happenings in publishing and books I like the New York Times books blog, Papercuts. I should also
mention that for more general and popular reviews and interviews, plus news pieces, the New York Times Books section online is a great resource.

The Los Angeles Times has a books blog called Jacket Copy that covers author readings, movie and music tie-ins to books, and periodically throws a list of good reads out there for perusal.
January Magazine has spotlights on books, discussions of the book industry, and author profiles.

If you have a blog about books that you like to read, feel free to let us know in the comments section!
In addition to her library work, Lara blogs on a regular basis for Re:Print, a
books blog at, an international magazine of cultural criticism.
The Elegant Variation brands itself "A literary weblog" and includes bits of juicy book industry gossip as well as longer rants about classic literature and adaptations. There are recommendations of largely unsung literature on the right hand side which is great for reading recommendations for friends.

And Bookninja is a great source for conversational discussion of specific authors, broad genres, literary magazines, and trends in electronic publishing.
If you have a blog about books that you like to read, feel free to let us know in the comments section!
In addition to her library work, Lara blogs on a regular basis for Re:Print, a
books blog at, an international magazine of cultural criticism.
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