Stone Barrington (M)- shrewd, sexy, a private investigator who travels amongst the wealthy and dangerous and gets results.

Stone was the son of rebels and his own rebellious nature has lead him on a series of highs and lows (mostly highs). Although originally a lawyer, Stone joined the NYPD and served for 14 years. Eventually he was forced out as he just could not agree with his superiors. Almost broke he, of course, landed on his feet with an offer to work as an investigator for the firm Woodman and Wells, doing the work that they would rather not dirty their hands with. Naturally, he is paid very handsomely. His best friend and former partner is Dina Bachetti. Dino joins him for (many) cocktails and expensive dinners at Elaines. Dino always has his back.

And the women. The women LOVE Stone Barrington. Almost each novel has a new love interest (and sometimes more than one). Stone is fascinated by independent, intelligent and creative women and it does not hurt if they are as financially successful as he is. Recurring throughout his many adventures is his on and off again romance with Arrington Calder. She is the one who got away. In
Son of Stone (M), his latest adventure, he meets (you guessed it) the child he and Arrington share. Young Peter Barrington is precocious and intelligent as you would certainly expect Stone's son to be.
If you enjoy fast paced thrillers which involve high stakes action, and are a little bit gritty and even more witty, you will most likely enjoy the Stone Barrington novels by
Stuart Woods.
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