If you are going to attempt TSFN, I will offer up some technical reading suggestions.

Step two: Relax your brain and accept each sentence as it comes.
Step three: See it through to the end. If meaning and plot are not apparent at first, they may be by the time you finish.
Step four: Explain the meaning and plot to me.
As near as I can tell, TSFN may be a creation-myth, told in Homeric fashion speaking of the capriciousness of the gods and the sad fate of mortals. Or, the deranged ramblings of a seriously disturbed and paranoid man. Or, some sort of reality television, performance art doomed to repeat itself to its forgone and tragic conclusion.

In this bizarro world, drugged blind bards are reciting the tale in Homeric fashion. Anytime anyone comments on the tale (and the narrator invites it) that information is absorbed and included in the next live performance. TSFN is itself is a performance and the narrator stops to solicit opinions on how the story is being received so far. Contemporary celebrities are thrown in in bold typeface and Leyner somehow draws a connections between such unlikely pairs as Dog the Bounty Hunter and Alan Greenspan. The narrator says the book is punishingly repetitive (and it is - he counts the number of times certain phrases are used) and virtually incomprehensible (and it is). Of course the gods have no intention of a non-interference policy. Especially pesky is the god XOXO, the god of concussions, dementia and alcoholic blackouts, who attempts to sabotage the narrative, and you, the reader, must counteract his efforts by chanting IKE IKE IKE IKE IKE in the same staccato fashion as Billy Joel's heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack. Almost like clapping for Tinkerbell.
Readalikes? I haven't got a clue. Maybe Jasper Fforde (M)? Or perhaps The Tragedy of Arthur (M) by Arthur Phillips? Or Timequake (M) by Kurt Vonnegut?

I love this post and I really want to read this book!