How the Hippies Saved Physics : science, counterculture, and the quantum revival
David Kaiser (M)

*Starred Review* Strange science requires stranger scientists. Behind
the mystifying but potent new physics of quantum encryption, Kaiser
uncovers a ragtag band of scientists, the Fundamental Fysiks Group, a
bizarre but brilliant company that coalesced at Berkeley in the 1970s,
hanging together long enough to dabble in psychedelic drugs, experiment
with extrasensory perception, toy with Asian mysticism and launch
audacious new science. These are hippie scientists who conduct
electronic seances to communicate with Houdini, delving into the I Ching
as a guide to quantum complementarity, and testing the telepathic
powers of spoon-bending psychics. Even in funding their unlikely
projects, these hippie savants defy the conventions, shrewdly leveraging
their ties to New Age gurus with big checkbooks.

Though Kaiser can
recognize bunkum, he lauds this group for exposing the impossibility of
drawing a firm boundary between science and nonscience and for so
breaking the scientific community out of the philosophical sterility of
Cold War pragmatism. Thanks to the hippie iconoclasts, scientists could
again think Big Thoughts. And though many of the Fysiks Group's thoughts
veered into the outre, one line of thought rescued John Bell's
pioneering work on quantum entanglement from obscurity, so making
possible the marvels of quantum encryption. Science has never been more
unpredictable or more entertaining!" - Booklist
These shortlisted titles are also available:
The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the great age of American innovation

Jon Gertner (M) Erwin Schrodinger and the Quantum Revolution by
John R. Gribbin (M) How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog
Chad Orzel (M) A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea: the race to kill the BP oil gusher
Joel Achenbach (M)
Physics World Books of the Year:
The Strangest Man : the hidden life of Paul Dirac, mystic of the atom
Graham Farmelo (M)
Quantum Man : Richard Feynman's life in science
Lawrence M. Krauss (M)
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