Last week I posted about recent new film releases based on books.
Here are few more examples that will be released in theatres sometime later in the year:
Serena (M) – author
Ron Rash, starring Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Copper

Starred Review* Rash's short stories and previous novels are all set in
Appalachia and enriched by the region's unique history. This is his
most gripping work yet, a sweeping saga of unfathomable greed and
revenge that grabs the reader's attention from the first page. The
Depression-era tale is centered on newly married George and Serena
Pemberton, owners of a logging company in the mountains of North
Carolina. Their operation is aimed strictly at maximizing profits, with
no regard for either the safety of their workers or the future of the
land they're pillaging.
The tragic result of environmental disregard
looms large in all of Rash's fiction, and the Pembertons are his worst
villains to date in that respect leaving behind a wasteland of stumps
and slash and creeks awash with dead trout. Side plots involve the
drastic means, including murder, the couple employs to avoid losing land
to environmental groups and Serena's unflagging pursuit of the young
girl who bore George's son shortly after he and Serena were married.
With a setting fraught with danger, and a character maniacal in her
march toward domination and riches, Serena is a novel not soon
forgotten." -Booklist
The Wolf of Wall Street (M) - author
Jordan Belfort, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill and Matthew McConaughey

By day he made thousands of dollars a minute. By night he spent it as
fast as he could, on drugs, sex, and international globe-trotting. From
the binge that sank a 170-foot motor yacht, crashed a Gulfstream jet,
and ran up a $700,000 hotel tab, to the wife and kids who waited for him
at home, and the fast-talking, hard-partying young stockbrokers who
called him king and did his bidding, here, in his own inimitable words,
is the story of the ill-fated genius they called…" Publisher
Horns (M) -author
Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) starring Daniel Radcliffe

In bestseller Hill's compulsively readable supernatural thriller, his
second after Heart-Shaped Box, dissolute Ignatius Perrish wakes up one
morning to find a pair of satanic horns sprouting from his forehead. To
the residents of Gideon, N.H., this grotesque disfigurement only
confirms their suspicions that Ig raped and murdered his girlfriend,
Merrin Williams, a crime for which he was held but soon released for
lack of evidence. Ig is also now privy to the deepest, and often
darkest, private thoughts of anyone he touches. Once Ig discovers
through this uncanny sensitivity the true killer's identity, he schemes
to reveal the culprit's guilt through natural means. Toggling between
past and present, and incidents that range from the supernaturally
surreal to the brutally realistic, Hill spins a story that's both
morbidly amusing and emotionally resonant. The explanations for Ig's
weird travails won't satisfy every reader, but few will dispute that
Hill has negotiated the sophomore slump." Publisher Weekly
Devil's Knot: the true story of the Memphis Three (M) – author Mara Levereritt, starring Reese Witherspoon, Stephen Moyer and Colin Firth

Arkansas Times investigative reporter Leveritt explores the 1993 West
Memphis Three murder convictions, which have been the subject of two HBO
documentaries. The book is arranged chronologically, from the crime
through the trial, and dispassionately dissects the prosecution's case
against three teens who were convicted of the grisly murders of three
eight-year-old boys. Leveritt interviewed the principals, reviewed the
police file and trial transcripts, and leads the reader to conclude from
her exhaustive research (430 footnotes) that the case was botched,
improperly based on a single confession from a retarded youth and the
defendants' alleged ties to satanic rituals. Well written in descriptive
language, the book is an indictment of a culture and legal system that
failed to protect children as defendants or victims. Highly recommended." Library Journal
Horns by Joe Hill is an awesome book! I came across it while shelving (horror sticker) and thought I would give it a try. It is vividly written and full of black humor!