As much as HRM is a literary city, it is also a city of filmmakers and film buffs. As evident by the ongoing great success of
The Atlantic Film Festival and by the sheer number of movie goers and theatres throughout our community. Film related titles also remain very popular among our library members. Here for your consideration are a few titles for the film buffs among us:
Shock Value : how a few eccentric outsiders gave us nightmares, conquered Hollywood, and invented modern horror (M)
Jason Zinoman

"Between 1968 and 1976, all the films that redefined the horror movie were made: Night of the Living Dead, Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist, Dark Star, The Last House on the Left, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and Carrie. In fluent reporter's prose lent urgency by personal fascination, Zinoman tells how their creators made those paradigm-shifters; how they became popular favorites, against long odds for two of them (Living Dead, Dark Star); and something about the subsequent careers of their creators who made further horror films (not all did), paying particular attention to the highly influential Halloween and Alien." - Booklist
Stranded at the Drive-in : from The Breakfast Club to The Social Network : the 100 best teen movies (M)
Garry Mulholland

"Everyone undergoes some kind of teenage trauma, and a fundamental way of
coping, or rite of passage, is the teen movie. Yet until now there has
been no book that explores this successful movie sub-genre with any
depth. Step forward Garry Mulholland, who, taking his cue from his
previous, hugely acclaimed pop culture list books (This is Uncool and
Fear of Music) , seeks to create a pantheon of the very finest teen
movies, or in Garry Mulholland's words: 'I'll be doing what film critics
have been loathe to do since the 1950s, and taking the entire
subculture of teen movies seriously, making a constant and compelling
argument that Grease and A Nightmare on Elm Street tell us a great deal
more about modern life and human nature than Citizen Kane and The
Godfather.' From Kes to Fame, Badlands to the Breakfast Club, and
National Lampoon's Animal House to Twilight, Garry Mulholland
re-evaluates a much maligned genre, and brings it all back again: the
good, the bad and the traumatic." - Publisher
Apocalypse on the Set : nine disastrous film productions (M)
Ben Taylor

is nothing easy about making a film. Each of the films discussed in
this book is distinguished by its disastrous production. These films
were also chosen for the diverse circumstances of their production
troubles, which provide insight into the incalculable combination of
problems and dangers that take such a toll on the people involved in the
process of filmmaking." - Publisher
Triumph of The Walking Dead : Robert Kirkman's zombie epic on page and screen (M)
edited by
James Lowder

Walking Dead gained national attention as AMC's latest critically
acclaimed drama, shattering the network's previous premiere ratings
highs and earning a second season renewal after its very first episode.
But before its television debut, Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead was a
comic phenomenon. James Lowder, veteran editor and author in the horror
genre and comics field, collects some of the biggest names in the
zombie genre, along with other top horror and comics writers, to discuss
the series on both page and screen. Contents include: what makes The
Walking Dead so effective as a zombie narrative; the television show's
surprising optimism; Rick Grimes as Objectivist hero; and The Walking
Dead's journey from comic to television series." -Publisher
There is a very interesting documentary entitled "lost in La Mancha" which is about Terry Gilliam's failed attempted to make The Man who Killed Don Quixote. Everything that could go wrong seems to go wrong, including a flash flood in the desert!