So you want political machinations, spying, double-dealing, double-triple-quadruple talk, secret languages and codes, super-cool new technology, and an epic love story, all set in a matriarchal future society? Then you should probably read Carnival by Elizabeth Bear (M)

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon (M)
Sam Clay, as his cousin will later be called, has a wonderful talent for writing and especially for thinking up character backstories. Oh, and he’s also a gay Jewish man living in the 1940s, with all the challenges that that entails. Upon Joe’s eventual arrival, he and Sam form a perfect team of artist/writer for comic books, the profits of which venture Joe hopes will allow him to purchase freedom for his family. But things go terribly wrong.
The novel covers a ton of ground. Chabon describes the horrifying restrictions placed on Jews in Prague, the woes of immigration, the world of comic books, the tricks escape artists employ, magicians, being Jewish and gay in New York in the 1940s, life in Antarctica, and life during World War II. The book is stunning work, with hard-hitting emotions and in-depth characterizations from the main characters to minor ones who only show up for one scene. This is one of those books that make you want to beg for a movie or mini-series adaptation.
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