The Language of this Land, Mi'kma'ki (M)
by Trudy Sable and Bernie Francis

discrimination and degradation." - publisher
We Honour the Water (M) - compact disc
by A Tribe Called Mi'kmaq
"A Tribe Called Mi’kmaq formed in 2008 and this is our first cd. We are all from the Mi’kmaq Nation living in Nova Scotia. In the First Nation tradition when we dance and sing we do so to celebrate our health and that of our people. Our songs are prayers for the health and well being of the people. At this time we need to pray for the water. The life, culture and strength of the Mi'kmaq people can not be separated from the water. We wish to dedicate this cd to the life blood of our people and encourage all to remember that water is precious and must be defended at all cost."
Stories from the Six Worlds: Mi'kmaw legends (M)
by Ruth Holmes Whitehead
"In Stories from the Six Worlds, it is their stories, passed down by word of mouth, that best preserve and present Mi’kmaw culture. For in their tales, the People themselves speak about their world and give us glimpses of how their universe manifests, in all its fascinating otherness. Mi'kmaw stories have many levels: entertainment, instruction, warnings. They might subtly encode maps of the land's important resources, or of the wheeling skies at night. Telling stories, Elders wove humour and stark tragedy, terror and beauty, to teach their listeners how to survive. More importantly, they underlined, over and over again, how their listeners, as humans, must conduct themselves. Their tales resound with the universal themes included in any worldview—Order and Chaos, Courage and Fear, Change, Revenge and Mercy, Death, Rebirth, and Power—yet are powerfully rooted in Mi'kmaw tradition, Mi'kmaw land. Their voices still speak to us, down the centuries." - publisher
The Colonization of Mi'kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928 : the King v. Gabriel Sylliboy (M)
by William C. Wicken

The Sylliboy case was part of a broader debate within Canada about Aboriginal peoples' legal status within Confederation. In using the 1752 treaty to try and establish a legal identity separate from that of other Nova Scotians, Mi'kmaw leaders contested federal and provincial attempts to force their assimilation into Anglo-Canadian society. Integrating matters of governance and legality with an exploration of historical memory, The Colonization of Mi'kmaw Memory and History offers a nuanced understanding of how and why individuals and communities recall the past." publisher
Real Justice: Convicted for being Mi'kmaq: the story of Donald Marshall Jr. (M)
by Bill Swan

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