If I were not already happily employed at Halifax Public Libraries, high on my Dream Job List would be to work in Data Analysis
at OkCupid. And if your reaction to that sentiment was anything akin to, “Yes!
Me too! That sounds awesome!” then I urge you to immediately stop reading this
blog post and go pick up
by OkCupid co-founder Christian Rudder. If, on the other hand, you are
currently thinking “That sounds really boring,” or “What’s OkCupid?” or even,
“What’s data?” then, please, read on, and I will enlighten you.

OkCupid is one of the many online dating services populating
the vast expanse of the Internet. While not an online dater myself, I have been
fascinated with OkCupid in particular, primarily because of Rudder’s blog,
OkTrends. What
Rudder realized is that every profile created on his site left him with vast
amounts of information about age, sex, race, likes/dislikes, etc. By analyzing
this data in creative ways, he revealed many intriguing (and at times,
counter-intuitive) patterns about human behavior in the dating world. Since
online dating also begins with a certain level of anonymity, users are free to
act as they please, without constraints of politeness and even decency.
Observations in the book include: the ideal length of an opening message, what
age is most attractive to various groups, and speculations on why polarizing
profiles tend to get top responses. Much of the book also reveals and
highlights vast discrepancies in what OkCupid users
say they want versus their actual behavior on the site.
I found everything in this book fascinating, and while many
of the concepts are actually quite advanced, Rudder maintains a conversational
tone and translates sophisticated mathematical terms into relatable analogies. Many
Dataclysm’s observations have
far-reaching implications about important social issues, such as latent sexism
and racism, and Rudder performs an admirable balancing act of reporting
objective findings and theorizing about possible implications.

If you’re looking for more books about dating
and romance in the 21
st century, I also recommend
Modern Romance
by comedian Aziz Ansari. Rather than writing a traditional humor book, Ansari
teamed up with sociologist Eric Klinenberg to carry out a long term
multi-faceted research study. The book is still very funny and is peppered with
Ansari’s unique viewpoint and personal anecdotes, but it is also
well-researched and informative. Though
was sourced heavily in writing
Romance, Ansari’s book expands its scope beyond the online dating world to take on many different aspects of sex, love, and dating.
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