Does it sometimes feel as though you would do anything for your feline friends? Below, I have gathered some of my favourite cat books for my fellow cat lovers.

For those that like to knit,
Knitted Cats & Kittens by
Sue Stratford offers patterns for some of the most adorable knitted cats I have ever seen. Some of my favourite patterns include, Super Cat, Doorstop Cat, and Fluff Balls.
Henri, le Chat Noir:the existential musings of an angst-filled cat, is written by
William Braden and filled with exactly the type of witty thoughts that I imagine cats must have. A quick and very funny read, the book is filled with funny cat thoughts, including, “Every search for truth must begin somewhere. If mine begins on the couch, who are you to judge?”
The Big New Yorker Book of Cats is an anthology featuring articles, short stories, poetry, cover artwork, and cartoons about cats. The book has been beautifully put together and includes cat-related contributions from Margaret Atwood, Roald Dahl, Haruki Murakami, and Ted Hughes.

Life & Love of Cats by
Lewis Blackwell, is a beautiful coffee table book filled with gorgeous photography taken by leading animal photographers from around the world. Alongside the beautiful images, Blackwell offers an informative text which discusses different breeds of cats as well as the changing relationship humans have had with cats throughout history.
Review of My Cat by
Tanner Ringerud and
Jack Shepherd, invites cat owners to write reviews of their cats. Using criteria such as appearance, sociability, usefulness, and huggability, cat owners each write a review and then assign an overall grade. The ratings range from excellent to awful and will be amusing for any cat-owner to read. Quotes include “A true sociopath, Cielito knows exactly how to manipulate you to get what he wants.” and “She flings litter out of the box with incredible strength and skill that makes a joke of any human innovation to prevent it.”
Cats in Hats: 30 knit and crochet patterns for your kitty by
Sara Thomas, is a must-read, even if you just borrow it to look at the pictures. The photographs of different kittens wearing outrageous hats are hilarious. If you are into knitting or crocheting, you can decide whether you want to make your own cat wear a hat that makes them look like a turkey, a reindeer, a shark, or my personal favourite, a banana.
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